6th Grade Transition to Middle School

At the beginning of 2017-2018 school year, Weatherford ISD 6th students will move to Hall or Tison Middle School campuses. To prepare for this transition, we have prepared a list of frequently asked questions.  We'll continue to add to this list throughout the year and welcome your input.  If you have a question that's not addressed below, please send us an email and we'll get it added to the list.  Be sure to check back frequently for updated information.  
Frequently Asked Questions



When will sixth grade students move from elementary to middle school campuses?

Weatherford ISD middle school campuses will include grades 6-8 beginning in August 2017.  Elementary campuses will host grades Pre-K and/or K through 5th grade.

Why is Weatherford ISD moving sixth grade to its middle school campuses? 

Currently, WISD elementary schools serve grades K-6 and middle schools serve grades 7-8. During the 2015 bond election, Weatherford ISD proposed realigning elementary schools to K-5 and middle schools to 6-8. This provides better alignment with age-appropriate curriculum and state accountability standards and eliminates the need to transport sixth graders to middle schools for advanced classes and fine arts. In addition, realignment provides space for student growth over the next decade at the elementary school level.

Will there be a parent/student orientation to support the transition?

Yes.  Both Tison and Hall will provide parent/student orientations and information will be communicated to families in advance. Students will be given the opportunity to tour the campus they attend and walk their schedules before the beginning of school in August 2017.  

How will current 5th graders register for next year?

Middle school counselors will support the registration process for incoming sixth graders during the spring of 2017.  The dates for registration have not been set just yet, but when they are, we will communicate this information to 5th grade families.

What advanced courses will be offered?             

Math, Social Studies, Science and English

What electives will be offered for students in sixth grade?

Band, Choir, Theater Arts, Art, and a Computer class; all sixth-grade students will be required to take a physical education class.

What teachers will be working with sixth graders?

Certified sixth grade teachers will be working with sixth grade students in addition to any elective classes. 

Will sixth graders have the same courses with seventh & eighth graders? 

Sixth grade students may be blended with seventh graders in classes such as choir and theater arts.

Will sixth grade students have their own area of the school (such as designated hallways), or will they mixed in with seventh and eighth grades?

This will be determined by the most effective use of the building.

Will sixth grade students participate in athletics or other competitions (choir, band, etc.)?

Weatherford ISD will offer pre-athletics for sixth grade students.  Students who are enrolled in Fine Arts classes such as band or choir may be eligible for UIL competitions.

What band instruments will be offered? 

Larger instruments, such as tubas, are provided by the school.  Smaller instruments are either provided by students.  

If sixth graders were not in advanced academics math in sixth grade, can they sign up for Advanced Academics math in seventh grade?

Yes.  WISD Advanced Academics is open enrollment for all students.

Will sixth grade students be on the same bell schedule as seventh & eighth graders?

Yes, the bell schedule will be the same for all students attending a middle school campus.

Will sixth grade students have lunch with seventh and eighth graders?

There is a possibility that sixth grade may be mixed with seventh and eighth grade students during lunch.

Will students be able to transfer middle schools?

Weatherford ISD Board Policy FDB(LOCAL) permits intradistrict transfers under the following guidelines:

The parent or guardian who wishes to transfer a student from the school he or she would normally attend to another school within the District shall complete a transfer request form between April 1 and April 30.  Requests received after April 30 shall be considered for approval at the discretion of the District, but no later than the seventh week of school. This transfer request shall be accompanied by a brief statement outlining the reasons for which the transfer is requested. Transfer Request Forms are available at each campus and must be signed by the attendance zone principal as well as the receiving school principal.


Transportation is not provided for any student who attends a school outside his or her attendance zone. The District will consider availability of space and instructional staff as well as the student’s disciplinary history and attendance records. Once an intradistrict transfer is approved, and as long as the student maintains a 90 percent attendance and appropriate behavior, the transfer campus shall become the “home” campus until the student completes all grades at that campus. The District reserves the right to have the “home campus” transfer students reapply for consideration if the population of the “home campus” exceeds or has the potential to exceed staff-to-student ratios.