GT Identification and Assessment

Students may be referred for the gifted and talented program at any time by teachers, counselors, parents, or other interested persons.
Assessments & Assessment Process
Criteria to identify gifted and talented students are specific to the state definition of gifted and talented and ensures the fair assessment of students with special needs, such as the culturally different, the economically disadvantaged, and students with disabilities.
Data are collected through both objective and subjective assessments. Objective assessments are norm-referenced based. Assessment tools may include, but not be limited to, the following: achievement tests, intelligence tests, creativity tests, behavioral checklists completed by teachers and parents, student/parent conferences, and available student work products.
Written parental consent must be obtained before any testing is conducted as part of the screening and identification process.
19 TAC 89.1.1-3
WISD Local/Legal Policy EHBB
WISD Assessment Process
Phase 1: Referrals
- Any Weatherford ISD student in grades K-12 can be referred for gifted and talented testing by a parent, teacher, or any person with an educational interest.
- Referrals can be submitted online at
- All referral forms must be submitted to the campus’ GT Specialist by the referral deadline.
Phase 2: Assessment
- Referred students are assessed for their reasoning and problem solving skills, academic achievement tests, teacher inventories, and creativity portfolios.
- Parents must sign a permission form for students to be assessed for gifted and talented services in phase 2.
Phase 3: Identification
- Quantitative and qualitative data are collected from each assessment.
- A District and Campus Selection Committee meet to discuss student data and make identification decisions.
- Notice of identified students by the selection committees are mailed home for distribution.
Identifying, Selecting, & Notification
Identifying and Selecting Gifted Students
A selection committee shall evaluate each nominated/referred student according to the established criteria and shall identify those students for whom placement in the gifted and talented program is the most appropriate educational setting.
At least three campus educators who have completed 30 hours of GT training that includes 6 hours of Nature and Needs, 6 hours of Identification and Assessment, and are current with their 6 hour update will be on the committee. All nominated students are considered for placement. Students whose scores predominately fall into the upper 2%-5% range are generally placed in the gifted and talented program.
19 TAC 89.1.4
WISD Local/Legal Policy EHBB
Students who are not placed in the program may be reassessed yearly during the testing window.
Parents and students shall be notified in writing upon selection of the students for the gifted program. The District shall provide written notification to parents of students who qualify for services through the District’s gifted and talented program.
Participation in any program or services provided for gifted students is voluntary, and the District shall obtain written permission from the parents before placing a student in a gifted program.
19 TAC 89.1.5
WISD Local/Legal Policy EHBB