Check Registers » Check Registers

Check Registers

Weatherford ISD is committed to managing the District’s resources in a fiscally responsible and transparent manner. The District endeavors to provide relevant and timely information to assist tax payers in making informed decisions and understanding how their tax dollars are spent.


Recently, Weatherford ISD has been the target of several failed phishing attempts.  There have also been multiple cases of fraudulent activity involving Texas public school districts resulting in significant loss of public funds. Public entities have become prime targets due to the amount of information readily accessible.  


Due to the fact that the publication of detailed information on school district websites containing vendors and amounts paid can provide perpetrators with information necessary to launch sophisticated phishing attacks, posting of school district check registers are no longer required. 


We remain vigilant in our efforts to safeguard the District’s resources and must weigh the inherent risk of misuse against the overarching benefit of the information intended for our stakeholders. As such, as of August 2020, the District will no longer post the accounts payable check register online. 


As an alternative to posting, interested citizens can submit a request for these reports by clicking HERE. We will promptly send the reports directly to the contact e-mail listed once the validity of the request has been verified. 


Thank you for your understanding.