Sole Source Vendors
Sole Source Vendors
Texas Education Code Subchapter B, Sec. 44.031
Without complying with Subsection (a), the board of trustees of a school district may purchase an item that is available from only one source, including:
An item for which competition is precluded because of the existence of a patent, copyright, secret process, or monopoly;
- A film, manuscript or book;
- A utility service, including electricity, gas, or water; and
- A captive replacement part or component or equipment.
The exceptions provided by Subsection (j) do not apply to mainframe data-processing equipment and peripheral attachments with a single-item purchase price in excess of $15,000.
Sole Source Affidavit
In order to qualify as a Sole Source vendor, a signed copy of the WISD Sole Source Form must be on file in the Weatherford ISD Purchasing Department.