Assessment » Welcome


The Curriculum and Instruction department provides a comprehensive, relevant, and challenging curriculum for students in prekindergarten through grade 12 so that students are inspired to imagine their potential for the future.  WISD staff members strive to prepare all students for the challenges and opportunities they will address as participants in a global market.
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Bowie Learning Center
900 North Elm Street
Weatherford, Texas 76086
(817) 598-2804 office
(817) 598-0501 fax



Weatherford ISD Assessment Overview


This document provides detailed information about assessments used in Weatherford ISD to comply with federal and state requirements, including 20 U.S.C. § 6311 and 20 U.S.C. § 6312(e)(2)(B). It outlines the state-required assessment and district-wide assessments for students in grades PreK-8.

Assessments Overview

State-Required Assessment

  1. STAAR (State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness)
    • Purpose: Measures mastery of grade-level standards in core content areas (reading, math, writing, science, and social studies).
    • Frequency: Administered annually.
    • Audience: Students in grades 3-8, English I, Biology, Algebra, English II, US History.
    • Use: Provides data for accountability and helps guide instructional improvement.

Other Assessments Administered District-Wide

In addition to STAAR, Weatherford ISD administers the following assessments to support student learning and instructional planning:

  1. Circle Assessment (Pre-Kindergarten)
    • Purpose: Assesses early literacy, language, and mathematics skills.
    • Frequency: Administered three times per year (BOY, MOY, EOY).
    • Audience: Pre-Kindergarten students.
    • Use: Guides instructional planning and supports early intervention strategies.
  2. TX-KEA (Kindergarten)
    • Purpose: Assesses early academic and social-emotional skills.
    • Frequency: Administered three times per year (BOY, MOY, EOY).
    • Audience: Kindergarten students.
    • Use: Identifies readiness for grade-level standards and guides early intervention.
  3. NWEA MAP Growth (Grades 1-8, Reading and Math)
    • Purpose: Measures academic progress and growth over time in reading and math.
    • Frequency: Administered three times per year (BOY, MOY, EOY).
    • Audience: Students in grades 1-8.
    • Use: Provides actionable data for instructional planning and intervention, and supports measuring progress toward state and district goals.

Posting and Accessibility

This information is available on the Weatherford ISD website for transparency and compliance with 20 U.S.C. § 6312(e)(2)(B).

For further details or questions, please contact:
Weatherford ISD Assessment Office at 817-598-2800.