Library Services » Challenged Library/Instructional Materials

Challenged Library/Instructional Materials

Challenged Library/Instructional Materials
A parent of a District student, any employee, or any District resident may formally challenge an instructional resource used in the District’s educational program on the basis of appropriateness.

Guiding Principles for Response to Challenge

The following principles shall guide Weatherford ISD Libraries in responding to challenges of instructional resources:

  • A complainant may raise an objection to an instructional resource used in a school’s educational program, despite the fact that the professional staff selecting the resources were qualified to make the selection, followed the proper procedure, and adhered to the objectives and criteria for instructional resources set out in this policy.
  • A parent’s ability to exercise control over reading, listening, or viewing matter extends only to his or her own children.
  • When instructional resources are challenged, the principles of the freedom to read, listen, and view must be defended as well.
  • Access to challenged materials shall not be restricted during the reconsideration process.

The major criterion for the final decision on challenged materials is the appropriateness of the material for its intended educational use. No challenged library material shall be removed solely because of the ideas expressed therein.

Request for Formal Reconsideration of Library/Instructional Materials

A complainant shall make any formal objection to an instructional resource on the form provided by the District and shall submit the completed and signed form to the principal. Upon receipt of the form, the principal shall appoint a reconsideration committee. 


WISD Instructional Materials - Request for Reconsideration


EF (Local)

Appeal of Reconsideration Request
The complainant may appeal the decision of the reconsideration committee in accordance with appropriate complaint policies, starting with the appropriate administrator. The appeal shall contain documentation of the informal reconsideration process .

Informal Reconsideration of Library Materials

The school receiving a complaint about the appropriateness of an instructional resource shall try to resolve the matter informally using the following procedure:

  •  The principal or designee shall explain the school’s selection process, the criteria for selection, and the qualifications of the professional staff who selected the questioned resource.
  • The principal or designee shall explain the intended educational purpose of the resource and any additional information regarding its use.
  • If appropriate, the principal or designee may offer a concerned parent an alternative instructional resource to be used by that parent’s child in place of the challenged resource.
  •  If the complainant wishes to make a formal challenge, the principal or designee shall provide the complainant a copy of this policy and a form to request a formal reconsideration of the resource.