Leaves and Absences
Leaves and Absences
Weatherford ISD offers employees paid and unpaid leaves of absence in times of personal need. Employees who expect to be absent for an extended period of more than five days should contact Human Resources for information about applicable leave benefits, payment of insurance premiums, and requirements for communicating with the district.
Leave is available for the employee’s use at the beginning of each school year. However, state personal and local leave is earned on a yearly basis.
Employees must follow district and department or campus procedures to report or request any leave of absence and complete the appropriate leave request form or certification. Any employee who is absent more than 3 days because of a personal or family illness must submit a medical certification from a qualified health care provider confirming the specific dates of the illness, the reason for the illness, and - in the case of personal illness - the employee’s fitness to return to work.
Types of Leave:
Nondiscretionary Leave: Leave that is taken for personal or family illness, family emergency, a death in the family, or active military service is considered nondiscretionary leave. Reasons for this type of leave allows very little, if any, advance planning and will be granted to employees in the same manner as state sick leave.
Discretionary Personal Leave: Discretionary personal leave is leave that is taken at an employee’s discretion that can be scheduled in advance. A request for type of leave must be submitted at least five (5) days in advance of the anticipated absence. When discretionary personal leave is taken for more than three (3) consecutive days the employee will be docked at the employee's daily rate of pay for all consecutive days beyond the third day.
For more information on Leaves and Absences please see Board Policy DEC(LEGAL) and DEC(LOCAL).