Current Substitutes

We appreciate our substitutes who are working hard to keep our classes filled with qualified personnel in the absence of teachers and instructional aides. Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions, concerns or suggestions to keep our substitute staff working efficiently and effectively.

Thanks for all you do....

Cyndi Cantrell
Substitute Teacher Specialist

Contact information:
[email protected]
817-598-2800 extension 3021
PowerSchool SFE may be accessed by calling this toll free number: 1-888-651-8105



Substitute Pay Rates



Substitutes will earn premium pay for substitute assignments on Mondays and Fridays.


Monday & Friday

Substitute Type

Daily Rate

No Degree or Associate's Degree


Bachelor's Degree or Above 


Certified Teacher




Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday

Substitute Type

Daily Rate

No Degree or Associate's Degree


Bachelor's Degree or Above 


Certified Teacher





Long-Term Substitute in a Teacher Position*

Substitute Type

Daily Rate

No Degree or Associate's Degree


Bachelor's Degree or Above 


Certified Teacher



Long-Term Substitute in a Paraprofessional Position*

Substitute Type

Daily Rate

No Degree or Associate's Degree


Bachelor's Degree or Above 


Certified Teacher



*Long-Term Substitute Daily Rate pay begins on the 11th consecutive day in the same assignment.

Long-Term Substitutes Rates are effective Monday-Friday.


  • Assignments are available on a regular basis
  • Flexible schedule
  • Eligible for health insurance
  • Retirement plan
Substitute Payroll Schedule